Opening Requirement

  1. Applicants to formally submit all corporate business information.
  2. Applicants to submit application details, such as name of product, specification – targets, contract volume and contract term, discharge terminal and a target price.

Pre – contractual Proceedings

  1. Heritage to submit a conceptual offer (CON) for verification.
  2. Heritage upon BCP agreement to submit the formal initial offer (INO).
  3. The applicant when acceptable, to disburse the security fee to activate the INO.
  4. Heritage to provide a revised application text in the format for a “Firm Purchase Price” reflecting the main contract essentials for execution.

Final Contractual and Consequential Proceedings

  1. Heritage, upon acceptance of the “Firm Purchase Price” to invite the BCP to secure payment, essentially in compliance with the “Firm Purchase Price”, or to disburse the proposed Security Deposit Amount (SDA) instead.
  2. Heritage and BCP to meet or contact for the purpose of the formal contract execution, for the find – tuning of the lifting schedule and procedural measures all essentially based on the “Firm Purchase Price”.
  3. The BCP to proceed accordingly and to provide payment (unless not made under 1) Heritage to refund the deposit without anything further.